Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The Metamer Quarterly still hates marketing


The domino box. It is now a minimally successful camera obscura. It has gold leaf on the sides, old dominos on the top, denim-like book cloth inside, and four holes. One hole on each of three sides, and one in the top. It is about 4 x 4 by 5" - slightly smaller than that. If you hold it right, and carefully, and peer inside carefully also, an image from the outside will appear faintly on the bottom.

My boyfriend asked me what the goal of the box was. (He is very good at finishing -- asking me questions that help me give a final push through the art birth canal, out of the bardo.) The box is supposed to be odd and curious. And just barely functional.


This exciting box is also for sale. Please do use the contact form or comment if you are interested. 

- Lara Scott, october 2020

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