Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Issue #8 of The Metamer Quarterly

Issue #8 ships soon. And Issue #9 will follow shortly after. For more information, please email Lara Scott at metamer@protonmail.com

or drop me a snail mail line -- send to

The Metamer Quarterly
PO Box 725
Sherburne NY 13460

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

The Cabin and The Stone House

The full pages of Issue #7, The Cabin and The Stone House. Click on images to see larger, and to read text. Questions? Please email me here:  metamer -at- protonmail.com

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Metamer Years Three and Four

Buffalo, NY

The zoetrope was, hands down, the biggest hit of Tour Stop #1, The Buffalo Bookfest at the Western New York Book Arts Center in Buffalo, NY. Someone wanted me to make them one, but I am still thinking through how to make one that isn't a book.


I also sold a copy of the basic No Subject, Issue #6. Contributors, someone is reading and seeing your work and perhaps sharing it with their friends. I sold some cards as well, but selling a copy of the Metamer made my day.

Watch this space for news of the next stop on the tour, and additional information on the next two years of the Metamer.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

The Metamer Quarterly goes on tour

Well, The Metamer, as friends have taken to calling it, hopes to tour. This weekend I am heading to a fair sponsored by the Western New York Book Arts Center (WNYBAC) in Buffalo. It will be the first art book fair for the Quarterly, as I usually call it.

Here's the postcard I am taking with me.

And here is some of the information on the back. Yes, there will be a Year Three.

Friday, June 1, 2018

No Subject, the subject is No Subject

No Subject, Issue #6 of The Metamer Quarterly, has been printed, slightly revised, and shipped.

Contributors included Dana Beck, Kate Blackwood, Elizabeth Gillett, Kevin Hamilton, Yeeseon Kwon, and Jana Laxa, among others.

For the first time in the brief history of TMQ, there are copies still available! The basic version (on the left) is available for $30 USD, plus shipping. The uniquely covered/wrapped version (on the right; it opens to something like the basic version) is available for $45 plus shipping. I have 3 copies of each available now.

For more information, or to request a copy, please write to me at The Metamer Quarterly, P.O. Box 725, Sherburne, NY 13460.

Or, send me an email. metamer@protonmail.com

Saturday, February 3, 2018

deadline extended!

Those who have ever made an appointment to meet up with me knows that I am almost always late. Even notoriously late folks become prompt in my presence, in deference to my superior tardiness. So who am I to stick to a deadline, or to rigidly enforce it?

So, there is still time to send in a submission -- a diagram of a soccer play, or a hockey play, or the batting list from your last best game, or a poem, or a shopping list, or a drawing, or a cartoon, a comic, anything that can be printed in b&w -- for Issue #6 of The Metamer Quarterly.

Send it to me, Lara Scott, at P.O. Box 725, Sherburne, NY, 13460, by Feb 10th.

Please do!

And here's a glamour shot of issue #5,

and a line from Carrie Newcomer:

"The curious promise of limited time."

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

No Subject

Issue #5, Time, has shipped.

Five issues complete, and three more to go. Whether The Metamer Quarterly will continue for a third year, I do not yet know.

I've been requesting submissions for Issue #6, No Subject. Anyone can send something in. I guarantee that I will put at least one of your works, whether a b&w drawing, or a piece of writing, in the issue. If you send more, I might include more, depending on the final portfolio of material.

Can you submit anonymously, in the event that you are worried about preserving your professional reputation in another area? Absolutely. Can you publish under your full name, because you would like to add to your publishing record? Again, yes!

Please send your submissions to the usual address (see below); handwritten is fine.

L Scott / The Metamer Quarterly
P.O. Box 725
Sherburne, NY, 13460

Please send by February 5th.

Need some prompts? See below:

1. Write an acrostic on any of the five previous subjects of The Metamer Quarterly. (Metamerism, Maps and Diagrams, the Book of Love, The Sea, or Time) An acrostic is a form "in which the first letter of each line makes a word or message that relates in some way to the poem's subject." (Michael Ann Courtney)

2. Three stanzas that can be sung to the tune of Amazing Grace. Or the theme to Gilligan's Island. Each stanza must contain one of the following words: fjord, platonic, tympanum, bower, telos, widdershins, buoy, loupe, quark, haver, soothe

3. A haiku containing at least two words from the list above.

4. Write a poem of 18 to 32 lines about a family member who meets a famous person. (this exercise stolen from MAC, who stole it from David Wojahn.)

5. An Then / Now poem. 4 to 8 lines, in pairs that begin:

"I used to......
But now I ....."

An alternate version:

"I used to be like....
But now I am...."

6. Draw a map of the dark side of the moon.

7. Diagram any sentence in this post.

8. Draw a picture illustrating or prompted by any three or more words from list above.

9. Submit a brief news report on anything that happened to you in 2017.

10. Draw a map of how to get from where you lived when you were seven, to where you live now.

11. Explain the theory of relativity.

12. List the five most important questions to ask when purchasing a mode of transport.